Whitehouse ISD—Whitehouse Junior High
Architect: Harris Craig Architects
“A circulation spine filled with diffused natural light separates classrooms & labs from noisier activities while providing views into the media center, gymnasiums & cafetorium. Common spaces foster collaboration & relationships. Outdoor learning spaces extend classrooms & learning opportunities. Design features promote scholarship, commitment & integrity.”
“The compact, efficient plan reduced environmental impact & saved the expense of replacing tennis courts. Locating the building on existing practice fields minimized cut and fill. Sharing the existing stadium parking lot reduced paving costs. Phased construction allowed existing facilities to remain operational. Durable, low maintenance materials & ‘no wax’ floors lower life cycle cost.”
“Shade structures provide passive solar shading & protection from the elements. Clerestory windows & skylights provide diffused natural light. Floor plan is compact & efficient; conserving resources. Durable materials & ‘no wax’ floors lower maintenance costs & extend life of building. Secure outdoor learning courtyards & dining spaces connect to the environment.”
“Sharing its site with the football stadium required a distinct design emphasizing the district’s commitment to Academics, Citizenship & Leadership. A courtyard supports daily student activities and also serves as a gathering space for stadium events. The building’s wall of motivational panels follows a sidewalk connecting the stadium, tennis courts & elementary school.”
“Evaluation of multiple sites identified district-owned property as the best value, saving the cost of additional land & maintaining access to existing athletic facilities. The building was organized between existing athletic facilities & the surrounding neighborhood. Construction phasing allowed buildings to remain operational. The design team led meetings with administrators, teacher & coach representatives and maintenance supervisors to identify priorities.”
School Transformation
“A campus of 50-year-old, unorganized buildings created circulation, safety & security concerns. Narrow corridors, undersized classrooms & a cramped cafeteria fell short of district & TEA standards. No defined entrance or identity. The new facility provides a new identity while promoting the district’s educational goals & encouraging students. The community is engaged through transparency & shared spaces.”
Star of Distinction Category Winner