Eligibility Requirements:
- New construction or renovations substantially completed between September 1, 2019, and January 1, 2024
- Public education facilities in Texas include Early Childhood through high school, charter school, early college high school, community college, performance venue (e.g.: natatorium, football stadium, gymnasium, performing arts center), support facilities (e.g.: transportation center, maintenance facility, administration building)
- May not have previously entered the exhibit
Submission Requirements: Please take a look at the submission requirements and information below before submitting your contract, program fees, and project details.
Submission Process: Each project submission must include a PowerPoint presentation (also in pdf format), a high-resolution image, a Project Entry Form (online), and Poster Project (PDF*). Please download the Submission Instructions for detailed information about each requirement. Primary contacts and project submission coordinators (per Agreements) will receive detailed instructions.
Important dates are outlined below:
- June 7: Exhibit of School Architecture Agreement due [online agreement]
- June 21: Project Submission/Poster Due
- Project Entry Form (completion of online form is required; to preview form questions, view pdf)
- Signature Photo
- Jury Submission PowerPoint (must use this template)
- Project Poster Submission (PDF*) *TASA/TASB will print actual posters